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Your first name*
Your last name*
Your email*
Brand name*
Product name*e.g. Bicycle helmet, mousepad…
Product Category*e.g. Home decoration, Cosmetics, Electronics, Fashion
What are the best-selling products in your product's category? Also include your main comeptitor.*
Please provide your ASIN and your competitors. Separate each ASIN by a semicolon.
Product Description*We want to understand the product you are offering.
What is it? What does it do? How does it work? How do people typically use it?
Product Features/USPs/Specific technology*
What are the unique selling points (USPs) and key specifications of your product? his information helps us understand what sets your product apart.
e.g. 10g Protein Per Scoop, 850W cleaning power, special fabric, Zero Sugar, All Natural, Organic…
For each USP, enter a new line.
Is your product seasonal?*
You may select multiple options if applicable
What are the desired languages for your images?
Does your product come in different variations (e.g., sizes, colors)?
For multiple entries, separate each with a new line.
If you don't have variations, write "NONE"
Do you have any assets?If yes, what kind of assets?
Target Markete.g. Women over 45, car enthusiasts, coffee lover over 30…
Focus on general categories like gender groups, and age ranges. A broad overview is adequate for now. Don't overthink it and keep it short
Pressing Probleme.g. coffee is hard to grind, car is hard to clean due to ineffective products, clothing aren't made for workout…
Desired Outcomee.g. impressing their husband, having a clean car, easily brewing coffee, looking like their younger slim self…
Scientific Studies/Research/Statse.g. 9/10 dentists recommend, biggest brand in the UK…
Featured in (Social Proof)e.g. Shark Tank, Magazines, Certificates…
Is there any additional information or specific details you'd like to share with us regarding this project?
Do you have any suggestions for how we could improve this form to better suit your needs or make it more efficient?
First name, we are almost done. On a scale of 1 to 5, how user-friendly did you find this onboarding form?1 star = very difficult5 stars = extremely user-friendly
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